This dashboard is designed to provide a quick snapshot of pathogens, or viruses, found in wastewater from treatment plants throughout Minnesota. Charts currently reflect viral copies of SARS Cov-2, or the COVID virus, along with related hospitalization data for the state, regions, and individual plants. The Study is working to add information on Influenza and RSV in the future.

Statewide information

Chart of statewide virus levels, hospitalizations, and ICU admissions

Explore data at regional and treatment-plant levels

Region information

WWTP information

Region and treatment-plant level data

Chart of regional and treatment plant-level virus levels and hospitalizations.

About the data

Wastewater data is available at the community treatment plant (WWTP) level for the 38 facilities participating in our study. Data is aggregated to the regional and statewide levels. Trend data is limited to the statewide/regional levels.


For media questions, or questions about the data behind the study, please contact Medical School Media Relations.

Project support and partners

This work has received support from 3M, MN Department of Health, and faculty from the Medical School, Research & Innovation Office, College of Liberal Arts, and School of Public Health. This dashboard is maintained by U-Spatial.